16 Mar 2022

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins tests positive for coronavirus

10:35 am on 16 March 2022

The minister in charge of New Zealand's Covid-19 response has now himself tested positive for the coronavirus.

Covid Response Minister Chris Hipkins delivers the Covid case numbers in the 1pm press conference in the Beehive Theatrette.

Chris Hipkins (file photo) Photo: POOL / Stuff / Robert Kitchin

Tweeting an image of a rapid antigen test, Hipkins writes: "The faint line seems out of keeping with how I currently feel!

"Day 7 of isolation and now it's my turn. So I'll be clocking off for another 7 days. Take care out there everyone."

The Covid-19 response minister would normally have fronted today's Covid-19 update, but the media conference has been cancelled for today.

The Ministry of Health will release its daily statement on case numbers about 1pm.

Hipkins is the latest of several MPs to have tested positive, including Environment Minister David Parker, Police Minister Poto Williams, National Party leader Christoper Luxon and National MP Simon Bridges.

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