30 May 2024

Live: Budget 2024 unveiled - here's everything you need to know

9:04 pm on 30 May 2024

National has kept its tax cut promise in the Coalition's debut Budget, laying out a relief package largely in line with the 'Back Pocket Boost' it campaigned on during the election.

Much attention had focused on the teased tax relief in the lead up to today's reveal, with many economists calling for it to be scaled back or more gradually phased in.

Unveiling her first Budget this afternoon, Finance Minister Nicola Willis declared: "I have kept my pledge".

But the promise of tax cuts isn't enough to disguise the other clear message in the government's Budget: the economic outlook is still gloomy. Kate Newton breaks down what that means for you.

Look back at how the announcement of Budget 2024 unfolded on Thursday:

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