10 Jul 2008

Farmers will still have control, says meat company

7:31 pm on 10 July 2008

Meat co-operative Silver Fern Farms says farmers would still keep control of the business if its partnership with PGG Wrightson goes ahead.

The rural servicing company is proposing to buy a 50% stake in the meat co-operative, formerly known as PPCS, for $220 million.

One of the big issues for farmers who attended shareholder meetings in the South Island last week was who would control the company.

Silver Ferns' chief executive, Keith Cooper, thinks the meetings reassured farmers that their control and ownership would be preserved.

Mr Cooper says four farmers will be on the eight-member board of the new entity, with six directors having to vote in favour before any board resolution is passed. On shareholder issues, 50% of farmer suppliers must vote.

Three-quarters of Silver Fern Farms shareholders must approve the partnership with PGG Wrightson, before it can go ahead.