13 Oct 2011

Hawke's Bay land and water management strategy endorsed

7:43 pm on 13 October 2011

The Hawke's Bay Regional Council's Environment Management Committee has recommended the adoption of a comprehensive land and water management strategy for Hawke's Bay.

The 60 page document is the result of almost a year's collaboration between an independent reference group of 21 people and council staff.

The council's strategic development manager Helen Codlin says much of the strategy relates to the rural sector.

She says many farmers are employing good management and agricultural practices already and a lot of research has been proposed to assist in that area.

Ms Codlin says she thinks there will be an expectation that orchardists and people who rely on the land all need to be more aware of the impact of their land management practices.

She says the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management requires councils to review allocation limits and minimum flows and water quality limits which will have implications for some catchments.

Ms Codlin says the next step is for the full council to approve the strategy, and then hold a land and water symposium for the public next month.

Regional council chairman Fenton Wilson says despite the wide range of interests represented on the reference group, the strategy was put together in just nine months.

He says the more work that is able to be done in what he calls a free environment, where parties are not talking through lawyers, consultants or other advisors, the better.

Mr Wilson says the discussion with Department of Conservation, iwi, regional council and Fish and Game is a lot more open now.

He says the full council will discuss the land and water management strategy on 26 October.