Australian tennis players Nick Lindahl, Brandon Walkin and Isaac Frost have been punished after being found guilty of tennis corruption offences from an ITF Futures tournament in Toowoomba in 2013.
The decisions follow investigations by the international Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU) and disciplinary hearings held by independent anti-corruption hearing officer Richard H McLaren.
Australian tennis player Nick Lindahl Photo: AFP
Lindahl, who reached a career-high singles ranking of 187, has been banned from all professional tennis for seven years and fined $US35,000.
He was found guilty of charges of contriving or attempting to contrive the outcome of an event, and failing to co-operate with a TIU investigation.
In April 2016, he was convicted of using corrupt conduct information and fined $A1000 in Sydney's Burwood Local Court.
The TIU said Lindahl had proposed to lose a match in return for payment at the Toowoomba tournament in September 2013.
The next month he had refused to provide his mobile phone for forensic download, as required, the TIU said in a statement on Tuesday.
Although Lindahl, 28, retired from the sport in 2013, the TIU decision prevents him from resuming playing professional tennis for the seven years of the ban.
He is also prohibited from attending any tournament or event sanctioned by the governing bodies in that time.
Walkin and Frost were also found guilty of disciplinary offences by McLaren.
Walkin, 22, a singles player ranked 1066, was given a six months suspension after being found guilty of contriving or attempting to contrive the outcome of an event.
Walkin's sanction was suspended on the basis that he commit no further breaches in that time so he is free to compete in any professional tennis event.
Frost, 28, ranked 1515 in singles, was found to have failed to co-operate with the TIU by refusing a request to supply his phone for analysis and served a provisional suspension between October 2013 and September 2014.