21 Feb 2021

Prada Cup: Luna Rossa to face Team NZ after 7-1 series victory

6:56 pm on 21 February 2021

Luna Rossa have set up a showdown with Team New Zealand in the America's Cup match.

America's Cup teams Luna Rossa and Team New Zealand.

Luna Rossa and Team New Zealand. Photo: Emirates Team New Zealand

The Italian sailing syndicate won the Challenger Selection Series finals with a 7-1 defeat of Team UK on the Waitemata Harbour and will challenge for the Auld Mug.

For the second time in their six attempts, Luna Rossa have their name included in the exclusive list of just 36 challengers in 170 years that have made it to the America's Cup itself.

Luna Rossa co-helmsman Jimmy Spithill said they'd taken a simple strategy into today's racing.

"We just tried to keep tht mistakes down, keep calm, make good decisions and let the boat do the work."

Francesco Bruni said the crew was ready to celebrate.

"It's a great day for us, it's a great day for Luna Rossa and it's a great day for Italy," he said.

"It was a tough finals, and we're in for a good fight for the America's Cup now."

Team UK skipper Sir Ben Ainslie gave full credit to the Italian effort.

"They sailed brilliantly and deserved to take the final, so hats off to them.

"We're obviously disappointed we couldn't get through. We'll have to go away, go back to the drawing board and see what we can do."

With two wins from two races in medium to light wind conditions on Sunday, Luna Rossa secured their spot.

Luna Rossa won the first race by 1 minute and 45 seconds on the Hauraki Gulf, after leading at every gate.

The British led into the start line but it didn't take long for that to change.

With both boats heading off the line on starboard, Luna Rossa was to windward in a tricky position as they tried to keep the pace on while sailing in the disturbed air off the back of the British boat.

Team UK and Luna Rossa in the America's Cup Challenger Selection Series finals.

Team UK and Luna Rossa. Photo: Studio Borlenghi

As both boats headed out towards the left-hand side of the course it was clear that the Italians had the extra mode that allowed them to sail higher than their opponent while maintaining the same speed.

Luna Rossa passed through the first gate 16 seconds ahead. By the bottom they had increased this to 21 seconds and by the top for the second time they were now 1 minute and 7 seconds ahead.

By the last windward gate Luna Rossa were 1 minute 45 seconds ahead of Team UK.

In second race of the day, Luna Rossa charged into the start box on port, the British were quick to gybe as they entered the zone and chased the Italians out towards the right-hand side of the pre-start zone.

As the boats arrived at the right hand boundary Luna Rossa tacked around while Team UK gybed. The result was to create separation between the two, but it didn't last for long.

As the pair headed towards the start line Team UK were ahead and to windward, Luna Rossa were chasing from to leeward, but both were early for the start. Slowing down was going to prove tricky, there was very little runway left, especially for the British.

Seconds before the start, Team UK tacked onto port and just managed to stay behind the line but most importantly just managed to cross Luna Rossa who were on starboard and had right of way.

But the close quarters action had seen Luna Rossa start with a penalty as they headed out on starboard leaving the British to head off on port tack.

Despite having won the start and the first part of the upwind leg, when the pair came back together for the second time the advantage had switched, Luna Rossa were ahead as they crossed on starboard.

From here there was little engagement with each boat taking opposite sides of the course.

As they came into the top gate Luna Rossa were on port and took the right hand mark, the British took the left hand mark.

For the initial part of the leg the British had more breeze on the left-hand side of the course allowing them to stay close. The physical distance on the water was 160m.

By gate 2 Luna Rossa had maintained their leading margin of 12 seconds as they rounded the left hand mark. In an effort to keep splitting from their opponents, Team UK took the right hand side of the gate.

On the second upwind leg the racing took place mainly on the right had side of the course.

After the fourth leg, as the pair approached gate 3 Luna Rossa had increased their lead. As they rounded the left hand mark they were now 34 seconds ahead a distance in the water of around 400m.

Another lap of the course and the Italian lead had grown and never looked likely to reduce.

By the finish Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli were 56 seconds ahead. They had scored their seventh victory.

Team UK won its first and only race on Saturday and are now headed home.

Luna Rossa are now the official challengers of the 36th America's Cup.

Having resisted high fives and open displays of celebration in the races leading up to this point, now there was no holding back, the Italians were over the moon.

Luna Rossa will take on Team New Zealand next month on the Waitemata Harbour.