White Ferns captain Sophie Devine is encouraging athletes to think about themselves first and sport second after taking a break from top level cricket.
Having missed the national team's last five matches of the home summer due to fatigue, Devine has rejoined the squad at their winter training camp in Lincoln this week.
Stepping back wasn't an easy decision for the New Zealand captain.
But after two months away from all things cricket, she couldn't be happier she addressed a mental health issue which had been bubbling away for some time.
"The fatigue got to a point where I couldn't do not only my team justice, but myself.
"I knew I couldn't do a job. It's the same thing as if I broke my leg or pulled my hamstring, if I can't complete the job to a hundred per cent then I need to take a serious look...
"At that stage I couldn't live up to my role and what I expect."
In her own words, Devine had spent her time off being with loved ones and getting back to the simple things that made her feel good.
The 31-year-old said she had worked hard with New Zealand Cricket psychologist Nat Hogg to put plans in place to prevent a repeat scenario.
"Especially with Covid, it's a pretty tricky and unusual environment we find ourselves in.
"Hopefully it doesn't happen again but it might, and hopefully I'm in a better position to deal with that if those sort of things do come up."
Devine's return also came at a time where the mental health of elite athletes was firmly in the spotlight.
Along with tennis star Naomi Osaka's withdrawal from the French Open, both Silver Ferns captain Ameliaranne Ekenasio and Black Ferns player Kendra Cocksedge had spoken out about there struggles.
After getting to a better place herself, Devine had a message for other sportspeople.
"[It's] having the confidence to know that they need to look after themselves first and foremost.
"As athletes, and in team sports in particular, we feel like we just have to keep giving and giving and giving but if we're not looking after ourselves first then we're no use to anyone.
"I certainly would advice people to speak up, whether that's in public of private."
Devine said doing just that had been hugely beneficial for her.
An improvement which meant she had not plans to relinquish the captaincy as the White Ferns prepared for a tour of England in September.
"That's something that's stayed throughout, when I did give myself time to think about it, is I certainly do want to stay in this role.
"Amy [Satterthwaite] did a fantastic job while I was away and that's the great thing about this White Ferns environment, we've got leaders everywhere.
"I certainly want to continue [as captain] and that's the plan moving forward."