18 Jun 2024

Netball NZ considers new coaching mix

5:46 am on 18 June 2024
Dame Noeline Taurua Coach of the Silver Ferns and Debbie Fuller  Assistant Coach of the Silver Ferns

Dame Noeline Taurua (left), Debbie Fuller, and Sharon Kearney (right). Photo: PHOTOSPORT

Netball New Zealand is considering an 'evolved' coaching model as it aims to build a management team that can lead the Silver Ferns towards success at the 2027 Netball World Cup.

Dame Noeline Taurua was reappointed head coach in April, after the national body and popular coach agreed that advertising the role was the right move.

When Dame Noeline was reappointed she said the next step was to look at the whole team management and coaching structure.

Netball New Zealand subsequently opened up the Silver Ferns assistant coaching role and will soon announce who will join Dame Noeline in the coaching team.

When she answered the SOS call in 2018 to become the Silver Ferns coach, she enlisted the help of Deb Fuller, who has been the assistant coach during her tenure.

"Both me and Debs want to make sure that we are the right people ...definitely know from a management point of view that we need to do a bit of work," Dame Noeline said in April.

Netball New Zealand have completed interviews and will be working through the next steps with the preferred candidate. Netball New Zealand won't say if Fuller has reapplied, citing confidentiality.

The Silver Ferns have traditionally had one assistant coach but the national body's high performance team is considering an evolved model, such as the addition of a specialist coach into the mix.

Netball New Zealand has also gone to market for several key high performance roles, that will support the Silver Ferns campaign through to the 2027 Netball World Cup.

The organisation said it was currently advertising for the Silver Ferns Psychology Lead, Performance Nutrition Lead, and Strength and Conditioning Lead - to ensure it had the best people in those roles.

The national body is also advertising for a Medical Director.

Incumbents can re-apply for those roles. Highly respected physio Sharon Kearney has been involved with the Silver Ferns for several years. Guy Mothersole has been the Silver Ferns Strength and Conditioning lead since 2021.

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