23 Feb 2013

Dual name for Road of National Significance

6:57 pm on 23 February 2013

A tribal organisation representing iwi and hapu welcomes the use of a dual name for a stretch of State Highway 1 reflecting the cultural importance for the region.

The New Zealand Transport Agency and Hokai Nuku have adopted a bilingual name for the Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance, just north of Auckland.

The route will now be known as the Ara Tuhono - Puhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance. Ara Tuhono means a connecting pathway.

Hokai Nuku vice-chair Tame Te Rangi says the Maori name is appropriate, especially for Northlanders, because it speaks about linking them to the outside world.

Mr Te Rangi says you can't fly directly from Kaitaia or Whangarei to Las Vegas or London - you need to go to Auckland for a start - and iwi see the dual name as a contemporary means of economic connection with the rest of the world.

Hokai Nuku was established to represent iwi and hapu. It has been working with NZTA since 2010 on a range of issues regarding Roads of National Significance.

The organisation is an alliance representing iwi and hapu north of Auckland. They are: Ngati Manuhiri, Ngati Mauku/Ngati Kauae, Ngati Rango o Kaipara and Ngati Whatua, with the support of Ngati Paoa.