Maori Party MPs are vowing to support Hone Harawira's 'Feed the Kids Bill', even though co-leader Tariana Turia is putting forward a different solution to the problem.
The Education Amendment (Breakfast and Lunch Programmes in Schools) Bill, dubbed the 'Feed the Kids Bill', supports a national programme for fully state-funded food in all low decile schools.
Mr Harawira, the leader of the Mana party, wants all decile one and two schools to have funding so they can provide breakfast and lunches to students.
The first reading of the bill has been delayed until 10 July.
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia says she doesn't agree with state intervention to feed children in schools.
However, she says the Government should be looking at people's incomes to ensure they have got enough to live on and it needs to build whanau capability, so families look after themselves.
Mrs Turia says she is not a supporter of people outside of the family feeding children.