21 Nov 2013

Iwi have no malice against jailed farmer's wife

7:18 pm on 21 November 2013

Te Roroa iwi in Te Tai Tokerau, say they hold no malice against Alan Titford's family who were influenced by him and his disputes with the Waitangi Tribunal and the Government over the ownership of his farm in Northland during the 1990s.

Titford has been jailed for 24 years for a raft of serious crimes including raping his former wife, abusing his children, fraud and arson when he burnt down his own house - an incident he blamed at the time on local Maori which caused widespread racial tension.

Acting senior iwi manager of Te Roroa, Moengaroa Murray, says at least Titford's former wife had the integrity and sense of conviction to apologise to the iwi for lying under oath during another incident that was blamed on the tribe.

Mrs Murray says what is unfortunate is that Alan Titford's family paid the price too.

Mrs Murray says the things he subjected his family to they wouldn't wish on their worst enemies.

She says Te Roroa received a written letter of apology from Titford's former wife a few years ago about when she lied to the court about the pou whenua (land post) incident - which Titford chopped down.

Mrs Murray says iwi members knew at the time she wasn't telling the truth and have accepted her apology.

She says one positive is that the farm Titford was managing, which was given back to the iwi, is thriving.