The life of Tainui descendant Peggy Turuhira Noble who was killed in the Work and Income shootings this week, has been remembered by the Maori community of Ashburton.
Photo: RNZ / Jemma Brackebush
Russell John Tully has been charged with her and Susan Cleveland's murders and for the attempted murder of Lindy Curtis.
A candle-lit ceremony was held last night for the two women who died.
One woman who attended told Radio New Zealand that Mrs Noble was a lovely person.
She said she was only 17 when she worked with Mrs Noble at the Warehouse and she was always kind to her.
The Ashburton woman said she had recently dealt with Mrs Noble at Work and Income because her daughter is on the disability allowance.
And a young woman, who only wanted to be known as Violet, remembered Mrs Noble as someone not to mess with.
She said she used to call Mrs Noble "Nan" and then found out she actually was her "Nan".
Violet said Mrs Noble used to growl her and tell her be respectful and dress tidely when she came into Work and Income to look for a job.
Mrs Noble's tangi is expected to take place on Monday morning, while Leigh Cleveland's funeral is due to take place in Alexandra tomorrow.