8 Sep 2014

Labour 'dumping tangata whenua'

7:09 pm on 8 September 2014

The Māori Party says Labour's choice not to work with them if elected, is another example of Labour dumping tangata whenua when they're in a tight spot.

Tariana Turia

Tariana Turia Photo: RNZ

Labour leader David Cunliffe, said his party would only do ministerial deals with two other parties, the Greens and New Zealand First.

He ruled out any ministers from either the Maori Party or Internet Mana if Labour is in a position to form a government.

Māori Party co-leader Tariana Turia said in the past Labour-led Government funding for Māori focussed programmes was cut, because she said Labour got scared it would be accused of pandering to tangata whenua.

She said these were just shock tactics to raise Labour's profile and to appeal to those who do not want an independent Māori political movement.

The Māori Party said it still has an open door and will work with either National or Labour.

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