The Māori Language Commission is seeking to resolve an issue the Greater Wellington Regional Council has over it posting a tweet offering pronunciation advice for the capital's suburban train service.
Poia Rewi Photo: University of Otago / Te Tumu
Last month, Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo tweeted to Metlink - the company that runs the trains - that it was keen to help with placenames such as Pomare, Tawa, Ngauranga and Taitā used on the train's announcement system.
But the council - which owns the trains - was disappointed the commission did not contact it directly.
The interim tūmuaki (head of the commission), Poia Rewi, says in Te Reo that he would meet with the council next week to formally offer them some Māori language support.
"Kua kōrero tahi māua ko tētahi ō rātou, nā, kei te hui mātou ā tērā wiki kia kitea he aha te wāhi ki Te Taura Whiri hei hāpai i ā rātou i roto i ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki Te Reo i roto i ā rātou ki te wāhi e tāea ana, ka tahi.
"Ka rua, mēna e hiahia ana rātou. Kāore hoki mātou e hiahia ki te takahī i te mana o te takiwā nei, nā te mea ko te tino hiahia ko te wairua, i runga i te wairua āwhina", hei tāna.
"I've spoken to one of them, so we'll have a meeting next week to see what area the Māori Language Commission can uplift it (the council) in relation to Māori language usage, if they want some assistance, firstly.
"And secondly, we don't want to trample on the council's mana, because our intention is to kindly offer help in the spirit of being helpful," he said.