A Northland hapu is considering an appeal after a failed court bid to stop the sale of land owned by Mighty River Power.
The High Court has ruled that Mighty River, which is now partly privatised, does not have to consider Maori claims to 166 hectares of land that it is selling near Marsden Point.
The company had set aside two lots protected by memorials under the State-Owned Enterprises Act for possible return to Maori.
But the court ruled that Mighty River does not have to protect Maori interests or Treaty claims over the remaining lots, because they were bought after the Act was passed.
The lawyer for Patuharakeke, Prue Kapua, said an appeal would be costly, but the hapu was landless.
Mighty River Power's Whakamaru power station on the Waikato River. Photo: MIGHTY RIVER POWER