Te Matatini national kapa haka festival attracted well over 20,000 spectators on its first day and now day two will bring thousands more.
Te Matatini Photo: RNZ
Fifteen teams from all over Aotearoa and Australia took to the stage under a hot Canterbury sun in Hagley Park.
Day one of the competition showcased some of the best Maori cultural teams including crowd favourites such as Ngati Rangiwewehi from Te Arawa, Te Waka Huia from Tamaki Makauarau and Manawa Mai Tawhiti from Australia.
Today 15 more teams will take the stage but under different weather conditions as the Metservice was forecasting rain for Christchurch about midday
Hundreds of supporters from Hawkes Bay were expected to cheer on their team Ngati Kahungunu ki Heretaunga who would be the first kapa to perform just before 9am.