A joint project between the Hawke's Bay iwi Ngāti Kahungunu and Crown agency GNS Science is helping tribal members learn about the potential for oil and gas exploration in their rohe.
Kohupatiki Marae kuia Aki Paipa shares her geological knowledge with her mokopuna. Photo: GNS Science
The partnership, Te Kura Whenua, involves wānanga, or workshops, and field work for iwi to members to learn about the issues that are starting to affect the region, such as climate change.
Ngāti Kahungunu Environmental and Natural Resources analyst Ngaio Tiuka, said oil and gas exploration is a major topic of discussion and the project means iwi members will have a clearer understanding of what is going on.
"That's part of the interest for getting Kahungunu invovled, so we can make informed decisions and we can be involved in discussions about the expansion of oil and gas, which is a huge kaupapa that's happening in the East Coast," Mr Tiuka said.
"We want our people to be able to partake in those conversations [and have] a little bit more than a basic knowledge, and raise their concerns and interests around that."
Ngāti Kahungunu is holding more wānanga about geological hazards, climate change, natural disasters and mineral extraction over the next six months in Porangahau and southern Wairarapa.
Ngāti Kahungunu's tribal region stretches from the Wairarapa (including Castlepoint, pictured) through to Hawke's Bay. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson