A Hawke's Bay iwi plans to take a new approach to post-Treaty settlement governance, which includes giving each marae $1 million.
Photo: Hiruharama Marae
Descendants of Heretaunga-Tamatea have voted overwhelmingly in support of its Deed of Settlement, which includes compensation of $100 million.
In ratification results released on Thursday, 40.5 percent or 2200 of its 5363 registered iwi members voted, with 96.5 percent saying yes to the deed.
The chair of the negotiating body He Toa Takitini, David Tipene Leach, was pleased with the participation.
Looking towards the post-Treaty phase, Dr Tipene Leach said Heretaunga-Tamatea wanted to diversify its asset holdings structure.
"We're talking about very large amounts of money going from the settlement to the marae, whereby they'll be able to set up for their future. That future we're hoping will involve business opportunity and investment."
Dr Tipene Leach said the plan was to put $50 million in a central governance body, about $25 million to its marae, of which there are about 23, and the rest would go to a model targeted at regional development.
"Many groups wait for years and years before they start pushing money out to the people in real towns, real marae, real hapu and real places."
"We made a decision to do that at the beginning."
Dr Tipene Leach said having business models running at a central, regional and hapu level was a faster approach to prosperity.
The Deed of Settlement is due to be signed with the Crown later this month.