Dr Hinurewa Poutu has been appointed to the board of the Māori language revitalisation body Te Mātāwai.
Dr Hinurewa Poutu Photo: Massey University
Te Mātāwai is the independent statutory body working on behalf of iwi and Māori in the strengthening the Māori language.
Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta said Dr Poutu would serve the board for a three-year term.
Dr Poutu is a former board member of the Māori Language Commission Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.
Ms Mahuta said Dr Poutu brought an outstanding understanding of te reo Māori in her previous role as a teacher and her work in governance roles.
"Dr Poutu is the product of Māori Language Immersion education and will provide valuable strategic insight to the aspiration of language revitalisation for the next 20 years."