Māori candidates will come together to have a cross party debate all in te reo Māori tonight.
Māori candidates Peeni Henare, Rawiri Waititi and Shane Jones. Photo: RNZ / Supplied / Getty
Māori Television is hosting the debate as part of its Whakatau series at 7pm.
The discussion will be between Peeni Henare representing Labour, Teanau Tuiono from the Greens, Rawiri Waititi from the Māori Party, Shane Jones representing NZ First and Sonny Wilcox from Vision NZ.
The station's chief executive, Shane Taurima, said it was really important for Māori to see and hear political issues in te reo.
Newshub's Hui Pooti, hosted by Mihingarangi Forbes, is hosting a Te Tai Tonga debate online tonight at 8pm and the last of the Māori seats for its series, Te Tai Hauāuru, tomorrow.