Inside the bunker where Te Matatini songs are translated into six other languages

8:33 am on 27 February 2025
Dr Te Rita Papesch in the Haka Translate bunker

Dr Te Rita Papesch in the Haka Translate bunker Photo: RNZ/Pokere Paewai

While the haka groups at Te Matatini are performing on stage, another group of reo and haka experts are working behind the stage to translate their songs into English and five other languages.

Haka Translate provides six simultaneous translations during live stage performances of each kapa haka on the Matatini app.

The service has been available for the last few festivals - this year Mandarin, Cook Islands, Fijian, Samoan and Tongan translations will also be available on finals day.

It's led by Te Tai Tokerau iwi media station, Ngāti Hine FM.

David Jones said Haka Translate gets a set of the same scripts given to the judges. The scripts are generally all in te reo Māori which the team translates to English.

"Being able to change the language of the gods into the language of man and interpret that in an English framework is quite difficult, but we get there," he said.

When it comes to translation, context is important - so that non Māori speakers can get a real insight into what is being sung about, Jones said.

"A lot of what we do is metaphor. So there's a lot of kura huna, things that are hidden, meanings within meanings and then there are other times where it's very blunt. So we have to be quite cautious in the way in which we put some of these words across."

David Jones translating the performance of Kōkō Tangiwai into English.

David Jones translating the performance of Kōkō Tangiwai into English. Photo: RNZ/Pokere Paewai

Jones said sometimes they often ran into words or phrases that were difficult to translate.

"What we do is we sit there and consider how might someone perceive this, or how might we actually share this with the people so that they may understand exactly what that sentence, that phrase means.

"I think it's important for us to keep a direct translation so that it is in line with what they are singing and saying. But what we also do is try to provide some context."

Jones often works together with Dr Te Rita Papesch switching commentary between each item.

While Papesch is speaking Jones is busy scribbling notes in the script margins for the next item.

David Jones and Te Rita Papesch translate the performance of Kōkō Tangiwai into English.

David Jones and Te Rita Papesch translate the performance of Kōkō Tangiwai into English. Photo: RNZ/Pokere Paewai

Papesch said they got the te reo scripts in before the festival but sometimes they came in quite late.

"But we like to work it as a team of two and swap, you know, give the voice a rest. So we try and organise that beforehand so that we can prepare ourselves for what particular items we are going to have to translate."

Papesch said this was the biggest Te Matatini yet, so they had a bigger team - she worked together with Jones and her daughter Maria Huata.

She's been working in the Haka Translate team for the last few festivals and still enjoys the mahi.

"I do have other languages, so I know what it's like to be in a space and not understand what you're viewing. So the fact that we, as announcers in our little team can give to those who are listening out there. A sense of understanding of what's happening on the stage, I think is tremendous."

At Te Matatini on Thursday 14 groups are performing, among them the last festivals runner-up Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue, local favourites Te Reanga Morehu o Rātana and celebrity stacked newcomers Te Taumata o Apanui.

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