The kuia who's the only surviving claimant for the Wai 262 claim says it is all about rangatiratanga or Maori self determination.
Saana Murray, 90, of Ngāti Kurī, was at Roma marae at Ahipara on Saturday to welcome the Waitangi Tribunal with its long-awaited report on the ground-breaking claim.
The claim - often referred to as the flora and fauna claim - deals with the protection of Maori cultural and intellectual property rights.
Mrs Murray made it clear that for her, the claim is about the Māori authority over taonga, promised in the Treaty but negated by law and policy.
Mrs Murray says she resents that Māori people still don't have a say in making the major decisions over their own affairs including intellectual property rights and culture, given they are indeed the indigenous people of Aotearoa.