8 Nov 2013

Katy's roar

4:25 pm on 8 November 2013

Perhaps in retaliation for being stuck behind Lorde's Royals in the US charts, Katy Perry is in trouble with New Zealand officials. 

The Ministry for Primary Industries says the new album by the popstar album may pose a biosecurity risk.

The album, Prism contains flower seeds for the Swan River Daisy which fans are encouraged to plant.

The seeds accompanying the album

The seeds accompanying the album Photo: Unknown

The ministry says all CDs on sale in New Zealand have met the import requirements but it's worried about some being purchased online from other parts of the world.

It says it will closely monitor the International Mail Centre to try and pick up any imported albums.

The ministry has been in discussion with the New Zealand distributor about the additional seeds.

Meanwhile, the BBC is reporting that bio-security officers in Australia are also concerned about the free seeds.