20 Nov 2013

Bail Granted

8:22 am on 20 November 2013

A Russian court has granted bail to Greenpeace activists including New Zealander David Haussmann.

Mr Haussmann and nine colleagues have now been granted bail but a second New Zealander, Jonathan Beauchamp, has yet to have his case heard.

Russia jailed 30 crew members of Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise ship in September after activists scaled an oil rig in the Barents Sea owned by energy giant Gazprom in protest against Arctic oil drilling.

A lawyer for Greenpeace in Russia, Anton Beneslavsky, told Morning Report that based on the law, he has "no idea what the hell is going on", and there is no legal ground for the arrests.

Meanwhile, Oil drilling protesters say their boat is staying put off the Taranaki coast despite several warnings to move beyond an exclusion zone around a US drill ship.

The showdown between Texas-based exploration company Anadarko and protesters in the six-boat Oil Free Seas flotilla has been unfolding 100 nautical miles off the coast. The American company is looking for oil with its ship the Noble Bob Douglas and is still a day or two away from drilling in waters 1.5km deep. It says the flotilla has done nothing to affect its work.

Greenpeace released a radio message on Tuesday afternoon in which the captain of the Noble Bob Douglas warns protest boat the Vega to get out of a 500-metre exclusion zone.