13 May 2014

Taurima's Labour candidacy knocked back

8:38 am on 13 May 2014

The Labour Party's ruling council announced on Tuesday morning that Shane Taurima's nomination for Labour's candidacy in the Tamaki Makaurau seat cannot proceed, Radio New Zealand reports.

Taurima resigned as head of the Maori and Pacific Unit at Television New Zealand in February after it emerged he had hosted Labour Party meetings at TVNZ offices in August last year.

A subsequent investigation found no evidence of political bias in programmes Taurima was involved in.

However, it found TVNZ resources were used inappropriately for Labour Party political purposes by Taurima and three members of the unit - none of whom were still employed by TVNZ.

Party president Moira Coatsworth said  Taurima was never guaranteed a candidacy. However, she told Morning Report he may still have a future with the party.

"Shane's a talented person, but the council has decided at this time it's not the appropriate time for Shane to stand in Tamaki Makaurau."

The council will meet on Thursday to discuss whether Labour's nominations in the seat will be reopened.