15 May 2014

Spies urged to 'exploit it all'

9:32 am on 15 May 2014

Documents from US whistleblower Edward Snowden show New Zealand's links to mass surveillance from overseas spy agencies, Radio New Zealand reports.

One document from the American National Security Agency, titled New Collection Posture, invites New Zealand's security services and those of other so-called Five-Eyes nations to "sniff it all, know it all, collect it all, process it all and exploit it all."

These latest documents are part of a new book, No Place to Hide, by journalist Glenn Greenwald who has worked closely with Edward Snowden.

They also include a slideshow for New Zealand spies on how to operate a system that trawls through massive amounts of phone numbers, email address and online chat.

The documents show New Zealand was forwarded intercepted phone calls, texts and emails between the Brazilian president and her staff.

Green party co-leader Russel Norman has called for an independent inquiry into the GCSB following the release, which he says directly links New Zealand spies to a global mass surveillance network.