26 May 2014

Introducing: NO WHY

9:06 am on 26 May 2014

Emerging local musicians are given two minutes to introduce one of their songs and say whatever they like about themselves and their music.Your time ... starts ... Now!

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Photo: Supplied

Name: NO WHY

Age: 1.5 years

Hometown: Auckland

Sounds like: A mishmash of diverse influences and inspiration from our band members – what it sounds like when someone who likes heavy guitar music, someone who likes pop, someone who likes electronic music and someone who likes noise try and make music together.

Musical Guilty Pleasure: For some of us it would be some obscure and slightly disturbing German death metal, and for others it’d be an old Frank Sinatra live concert swiped from Nana’s record collection – not talking about anyone in particular...

Formative Musical Experience: Seeing friends or people that you know writing, releasing and performing music is one of the most inspiring experiences. A lot of the time if you know the personality and process behind the music, it makes witnessing someone’s successes much more inspiring and motivating.