6 Jun 2014

'Do the honourable thing', Banks told

9:01 am on 6 June 2014

Opposition parties want disgraced Act party MP John Banks to gather what remains of his dignity and resign from Parliament, Radio New Zealand reports.

Banks was on Thursday found guilty of knowingly recording political donations from Kim Dotcom as anonymous, in 2010.

Any conviction will be entered after the parliamentary term ends on July the 31st, meaning the Epsom MP can see out the term.

The Labour Party said Banks remains an MP on a technicality and he should do the honourable thing and resign.

Labour Leader David Cunliffe told Morning Report Banks has no moral basis to remain in Parliament. He said he would not talk about Banks's legal options, but he should now resign.

Cunliffe said Banks was propping up a Government with a slim majority, without any right to be there.

The Act Party leader Jamie Whyte said he has not spoken to John Banks since his guilty verdict and did not know how long he intended to remain in Parliament.

Whyte told Morning Report that he was not aware that John Banks planned to apply for a discharge without conviction and did not see a need for him to step down from Parliament immediately.

Prime Minister John Key defended John Banks' character after the Auckland High Court court verdict on Thursday.

Key said he will be able to govern the country as usual, despite the verdict against his parliamentary ally.