12 Jun 2014

South of heaven: A history of New Zealand extreme metal - Part 1

8:45 am on 12 June 2014

New Zealand’s extreme metal scene is a well-kept “dirty little secret”, says Music 101’s metal correspondent Craig Hayes in his documentary for Radio New Zealand.

Auckland band Exordium Mors.

Auckland band Exordium Mors. Photo: Jake Skipper

Local bands such as Diocletian, Vassafor, Witchrist, Ulcerate have a low profile at home, while overseas they are hugely respected and manage to sell more albums than “dozens of New Zealand bands combined”, Hayes says.

“It’s definitely not your run-of-the-mill bogan scene.”

In the two-part audio documentary South of Heaven – A History of New Zealand Extreme Metal, Hayes explores the scene, starting in Christchurch with the likes of Chris Rigby, Phil Kusabs, Chris Stanley and Steve Francis.

You can hear part two of the documentary on Radio New Zealand's Music 101 this Saturday afternoon, or check in at The Wireless next week.