25 Jun 2014

Police investigate mass sheep shooting

9:04 am on 25 June 2014

Police are investigating the shooting of about 200 sheep on a North Otago farm, Radio New Zealand reports.

The farmer Peter Stackhouse said the sheep were shot over two nights on his farm at Ngapara, about 30km inland from Oamaru. He said he couldn't believe what he found when discovered the first casualties.

“Saturday morning about nine o'clock when I went to feed them, there were 110 shot the first night. I shifted their paddocks and the next night they came back and shot another approximately 80.

A lot of them were wounded. The vet and I spent hours each day going round and cutting the throats of sheep that were either walking around with a bullet hole through their head or bullet holes through their front legs and so we spent quite a bit of time euthanising them.

We’re not getting much sleep at night because we don’t know who’s walking around with these rifles and what else they’re going to shoot, or who they’re going to shoot.”

Peter Stackhouse said it’s a puzzle why the sheep were targetted.

His family has farmed in the district for 60 years and he knows of no-one with a grudge.