9 Jul 2014

More rugby concussion claims

9:32 am on 9 July 2014

The Accident Compensation Corporation says there has been an increase in the number of rugby and rugby league related concussion injuries for 15 to 19-year-olds, Radio New Zealand reports.

The figures have emerged following the death of 17-year-old Jordan Kemp, who collapsed during a club game in Whangarei last Saturday and died the next day in Auckland Hospital from bleeding on the brain.

ACC spokesperson Stephanie Melville said one of the main reasons ACC believed that the number of concussion claims have risen was because of increased awareness and reporting of concussion.

However, she said spinal injuries for teenage rugby players were on the decrease - with less than four spinal cord injuries in every year since 2010.

Overall, ACC figures show new claims for head, neck and spinal injuries among 15-to-19-year-olds hurt while playing rugby and rugby league have risen from 2336 in July 2009 to nearly 3000 in June this year.

The total cost of new and on-going claims has gradually risen, from $2.9 million in 2009 to $3.75 million this year.