Blogger David Farrar, who is named by investigative writer Nicky Hager as having been fed information by National government members, says there are no conspiracies behind his sources.
Mr Hager on Wednesday night launched Dirty Politics, which he says is an expose of tactics used by the Government and right-wing bloggers to undermine other political figures.
I get a whole chapter!
— David Farrar (@dpfdpf) August 13, 2014
It focuses on the internal communications between well known right-wing bloggers and a network of National Party figures, including some of the Prime Minister's own staff.
The book talks about the activities and tactics that bloggers Cameron Slater and David Farrar used to undermine political opponents.
Nicky Hager speaking to reporters at his book launch on Wednesday. Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski
Nicky Hager said the leaked material for his latest book seemed to have been gathered when Mr Slater's website Whaleoil crashed in January.
Mr Farrar told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report programme that Nicky Hager was exaggerating the relationship between his sources, implying that ordinary conversations were more sinister collusions.
“I've always been very open about who I am, that I'm a National Party member - it would be of no surprise to anyone that people in National sometimes pass information on to people they think might be sympathetic - that doesn't mean you run with it.”
Hager's allegation I arranged for a liquor company to sponsor @dpfdpf & @Whaleoil is a total lie
— Matthew Hooton (@MatthewHootonNZ) August 13, 2014
A spokesperson for Mr Key said on Wednesday night that Dirty Politics is a cynically timed attack book from a well-known left wing conspiracy theorist. He said it made unfounded allegations and voters would see it for what it was.
"Told you we should have used Snapchat." #dirtypolitics
— Toby Manhire (@toby_etc) August 13, 2014