23 Sep 2014

Strikes against Isis

3:50 pm on 23 September 2014

Air strikes have been launched against the Islamic State militant group by the United States and allied nations.

The Pentagon press secretary, rear admiral John Kirby, confirmed that the US and allied nations sent fighter jets, bomber aircraft and Tomahawk missiles in an operation against Isis that he described as “ongoing”, the Guardian reports.

A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity about an ongoing operation, indicated that Raqqa, a Syrian stronghold of Isis, was among the targets of the operation, which began in the early hours of Tuesday morning local time. Airstrikes in Iraq, of which there have been 190 so far, now occur daily. Of Syria, the official said: “If we need to go daily, we will.”

Saudia Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan were reportedly involved in the Syrian strikes, with Bahrain and Qatar also in support.