The race to pick the next leader of the Labour Party could be done and dusted before the party has completed a review of its dismal showing at the election.
David Cunliffe will officially resign as leader tomorrow and so far he and senior MP Grant Robertson are the only contenders for the top job.
Labour’s ruling council yesterday released the terms of reference for the review, which will consider most aspects of the 2014 campaign, including leadership. A team of about five reviewers from both in and outside the party are due to report back by 7 December.
Party president Moira Coatsworth said that meant a new leader could be in place before that review is complete.
Ms Coatsworth said she would consult the Labour caucus at its meeting tomorrow on their thoughts on when a contest should be held, and the party’s ruling council would decide on Thursday when it will take place.
She said there was a variety of opinions, ranging from those who want to get it over and done with, and others who want to wait until after the review is complete.
“Do we have a long internal conversation and then select a leader and be well into the first year of a campaign? Do we actually move ahead and do both (at the same time)?”