19 Nov 2014

Little to set out 'clear mission'

8:58 am on 19 November 2014

New Labour Party leader Andrew Little intends to be open and transparent and says he will not fudge on the big issues.

Mr Little won the tight leadership battle with 50.52 percent support compared with Grant Robertson's 49.48 percent - a lead that could have been wiped out if just one MP had switched sides.

Despite the narrow margin Mr Little is confident he has the full support of his caucus to lead the party.

Mr Little told Morning Report he will continue with the blunt style that has got him where he is, and will concentrate on issues that matter to New Zealanders.

“My focus will be on the issues that actually New Zealanders are telling me that they’re most concerned about which is their jobs and whether they can increase their income and earn better and do better and get ahead.”