28 Oct 2015

Would you like a beer with that?

12:08 pm on 28 October 2015
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Photo: 123RF

Burgers and fries and beers, oh my!

A Wendy's in the Christchurch suburb of Hornby has applied to the local city council to have wine and beer added to its fast food menu.

But Christchurch deputy mayor Vicki Buck reckons approving the liquor licence will set a dangerous precedent. "Given how many fast-food places there are around the city and the country, will everyone all of a sudden want to sell alcohol if this license is approved?"

Other burger restaurants sell alcohol but Wendy's differed in the fact it was a fast-food chain, Buck said. "Even at Denny's you can buy alcohol and burgers and beers, but you sit down and get served, you are there to eat a meal so it is different."

Buck said the restaurant had asked to sell alcohol from 8am to 11pm.

"Obviously fast food chains get a lot of kids after school," she said."I think parents want to feel that their kids are in a safe place."

The public have until Friday 6 November to make submissions on the application. The District Licensing Committee, which makes the decision, will get a report from local police and Community Public Health.

If the license is approved the public could still appeal against the decision to the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority.

A version of this story was first published on radionz.co.nz