1:11 pm today

Crown breached Treaty principles in school reform - Waitangi Tribunal

1:11 pm today
The waharoa at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua.

The waharoa at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua. Photo: RNZ / Pokere Paewai

A Waitangi Tribunal report has found the Crown breached Treaty principles in its review and reform of schools between 2018 and 2022.

Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa Te Aho Matua - the body which oversees kura kaupapa - lodged the urgent claim, arguing the Crown continued to marginalise Māori in the education system.

The tribunal says the Crown breached the principles of partnership and active protection by excluding kura kaupapa from its review and reform process.

It says Crown actions caused considerable prejudice and harm, leaving kura kaupapa powerless in the shaping of policy impacting them directly.

The tribunal has recommended the Crown work with kura kaupapa to develop informed policy in curriculum support, network planning and property management.

The Education Ministry said in a statement it would review the response.

"The ministry acknowledges and welcomes the report from the tribunal. We will now carefully review and consider the tribunal's findings and recommendations."

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