28 Sep 2024

Watch: Delaney Davidson and Barry Saunders perform new song

4:03 pm on 28 September 2024

Delaney Davidson and Barry Saunders have just released Happiness is Near, their second album together.

They joined Music 101 for a live session from the Futuna Chapel in Karori Wellington - a church designed by architect John Scott.

The church was designed in such a way as to bring the people and preacher closer, Davidson said.

"It was designed around the time that the Vatican put out a brief that they'd stopped wanting such deep churches that separated the congregation from the people up preaching.

"So, they made it like a V, so you've got on each V people quite close to the altar, and the person in the middle at the point of the V is much more connected."

The album's title came from an unusual source, Saunders said.

"Strangely I used to get Russian TV beamed into my house and there was a woman talking in Russian, and behind her on the wall in English, was written, 'happiness is near'. I thought it was just a lovely thing. So, we expanded the idea."

It had been a fruitful partnership, they said.

"Sometimes a song has more of me, or sometimes it has more of Barry. But for me, I think the most interesting and successful ones are when they have a real meeting of both of us and a real blend," Davidson said.

The relationship was an energising one, Saunders said.

"Delaney energises me, and I think I do the same with him. And a lot of the time we get to a place and that's what it's all about, really."

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