Anti-government protesters in Kiev have toppled a statue of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin amid massive demonstrations.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded into the centre of the Ukrainian capital to push their demand for closer integration with the European Union.
At the same time as anti-government demonstrators filled Independence Square and the surrounding streets, a smaller rally in support of President Yanukovich was being held.
The government of President Viktor Yanukovych has refused a deal on closer ties with the EU, after Russian opposition. Protest leaders have given the president 48 hours to dismiss the government.
Witnesses said a group of protesters toppled the Lenin statue at of Shevchenko Boulevard using metal bars and ropes. As they began smashing it with hammers others stood by chanting "glory to Ukraine".
The BBC says the statue has symbolic importance as it underlines Ukraine's shared history with Russia.
A protester smashes the statue of Lenin. Photo: AFP
The statue was pulled from the plinth. Photo: AFP