Warmer weather conditions in western Greece have led to the eerie spectacle of a 300m-long spider-web in Aitoliko.
A vast area of greenery has been covered by the web, reports the Daily Hellas.
Experts say it is a seasonal phenomenon, caused by Tetragnatha spiders, which can build large nests for mating.
An increase in the mosquito population is also thought to have contributed to the rise in the number of spiders.
Maria Chatzaki, professor of molecular biology and genetics at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece said high temperatures, sufficient humidity and food created the ideal conditions for the species to reproduce in large numbers.
She told Newsit.gr: "It's as if the spiders are taking advantage of these conditions and are having a kind of a party. They mate, they reproduce and provide a whole new generation.
"These spiders are not dangerous for humans and will not cause any damage to the area's flora.
"The spiders will have their party and will soon die."
Photo: Screengrab / YouTube / Giannis Giannakopoulos