The owner of The Battered Wife fish and chip shop in far north Queensland says she has been forced to sell up because of an "abusive witch hunt".
The Battered Wife fish and chip shop in Innisfail, north Queensland. Photo: Facebook
In a video posted to social media, store owner Carolyn Kerr said it was with '"deep sadness" she had to sell.
"As many of you know I've been the subject of an abusive witch hunt by a not-for-profit organisation who are 'anti-abuse'," Ms Kerr said.
"However, they've threatened to throw bricks through my window, they've complained to ASIC to have my business name revoked.
"Then they complained to Industrial Relations and Child Protective Services ... saying that I was employing kids and I was participating in child exploitation."
Ms Kerr blamed an impending audit on the financial decision to pack up her restaurant in the town of Innisfail.
"Last week I was informed that anonymous complaints were made to Department of Fair Work, who are now acting on it and doing an audit on my business," Ms Kerr said.
"I believed that I had audit insurance like any small business should have, but I was informed this morning that it actually only covers tax audits and not Fair Work - I just can't see any way that I can trade my way through it."
The shop's name drew criticism from Queensland MPs from all sides of politics last year, with the Attorney-General and the state opposition leader condemning the name.
A barrage of social media posts at the time the name was making headlines described it as disgusting, and said it trivialised domestic violence.
Ms Kerr, who last year said she was a former policewoman, defended the name of her shop saying she was raising awareness of the issue.
People have rallied in support of the shop on social media.
"Get a quote for your audit, start a GoFundMe page and let us all help - I'm beyond angry right now," one post said.
"This poor lady is only trying to run a buinsness [sic] in a small town, who frankly dont see a problem with the name! Keep your head high darl! The town has your back!" reads another.
Ms Kerr said her shop would cease trading on 28 January.