*This programme can only be viewed if you're in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
*Available to watch until 11th October 2026
What is life like on Aotearoa's remotest island? Chatham Islanders: Tchakat Tchatam Airani is a series about a remote community we see and hear very little from.
We were all taught that Moriori didn't exist. Today is the beginning of a new story as Moriori rebuild their cultural traditions, language, identity and whakapapa, piecing it back together for future generations.
The sun shines on the shores of Rēkohu before any other place in the world and the Moriori are moving out of the mist and the darkness and into the light.
Like many people in the Chatham Islands, Blaze (13) is Ngāti Mutunga, Pākehā, and Moriori. Photo: Black Iris Productions
Group of Moriori sitting/standing - 1877 Photo: Photographs courtesy of Canterbury Museum
Photo: Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Photo: Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Made with the support of NZ On Air Photo: NZ On Air