25 Oct 2021

Case #028 - The Waterfront Robbery

From Crimes NZ, 5:00 am on 25 October 2021

In 1956, Auckland mobsters might have pulled off the heist of the century, after breaking into the Waterfront Industry Commission offices and making off with the equivalent of a million dollars.

Scott Bainbridge - The Great New Zealand Robbery

Scott Bainbridge - The Great New Zealand Robbery Photo: Allen & Unwin, NZ

In his book The Great New Zealand Robbery, Scott Bainbridge tells the rollicking story of how robbers blew up a safe in the Waterfront Industry Office which was full with the week's wages.

A man named Trevor Nash was eventually arrested, tried and jailed for the offence.

Then he escaped and only a stroke of luck enabled police to recapture him.


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