A year has passed since the award-winning first season of the podcast and Carlo and Tim have been commissioned by RNZ to undertake another investigation.
Photo: RNZ / Robert Whitaker
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According to the broadcasters' top brass, the Titanic has "obviously" been done to completion and they have instead tasked the pair to investigate a local mystery; the legendary Canterbury Cat - a possible panther roaming the flat plains of the South Island.
Carlo and Tim happily take the assignment (and the production budget), assuring RNZ they’ll deliver a compelling season on this fantastic beast.
But what if everything they told RNZ was a lie?
Tim: To quote a film the name of which I no longer remember “Are you ready to go back to Titanic?”
A secret hidden book? A mysterious local legend about a giant cat? What has all this got to do with the most shipwreck of all time?
When then rubber hits the road - or the ship hits the iceberg - what can you really believe?
This is Did Titanic Sink? Season 2!
The full story of this fiasco will be released on July 15 2024.
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Executive Producers Justin Gregory & Tim Watkin
Director Abby Howells
Engineer Jeremy Ansell
Graphic Designer Robert Whitaker
Music Eilish Wilson, Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa and Phoebe Johnson