Psychologist Sarb Johal joins James in the shower. Photo: RNZ
The Eating Fried Chicken in the Shower team is halfway through recording another season, due to be released in mid-May.
As you know, after every episode, host James Nokise sits down with clinical psychologist Dr Sarb Johal to talk about issues that might have arisen and to share tips and techniques for getting through it all.
We thought now might be a good time to do just that and check in with you all about what we might be feeling around Covid-19 and what we can do to cope.
For this special episode, neither James nor Sarb will be in the shower, despite the image above, or even in the same space as each other. The Ministry of Health is urging us to practice social distancing, or as Sarb would have it, physical distancing. Because while we might need to keep physically apart from each other, we very much need to stay connected. Maybe even more than usual.
James and Sarb are instead calling in to RNZ from their homes to talk about emotions, anxiety, dealing with the unfamiliar and how not to let any of them take over.
So, read up on the Ministry of Health’s latest guidelines (, go wash your hands and then settle in with your favourite comfort food and listen to Eating Fried Chicken in the Shower.
Noho ora mai.
From the Eating Fried Chicken in the Shower team: James Nokise, Sarb Johal, Charlie Bleakley, Blair Stagpoole and Justin Gregory.
If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, call the NZ Covid-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 (+64 9 358 5453 for international SIMs)