6:04 AM.Former Labour Party MP Dover Samuels is a veteran of Māori politics. But on his rise to prominence, a political scandal threatened to derail his career. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:07 PM.Matangireia examines the legacies of six former Māori politicians from across the political spectrum, who share frank insights with series host Morgan Godfery. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:06 PM.They called her "the Foxy Lady," and just a few weeks after entering Parliament, Masterton mother-of-nine Marama Fox almost brought down her party’s government. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:05 PM.Tau Henare retired from politics in 2014 – but could there be a comeback? Asked if he misses Parliament, Tau doesn't hesitate. "Hell yes!" he exclaims. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:04 PM.Sandra Lee is a history-maker: the first Māori woman to win a general electorate seat, and the first person to lead a kaupapa Māori party (Mana Motuhake) into Parliament. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:03 PM.In 1996, New Zealand First signed a deal with National to form the first MMP coalition government, and Tuariki Delamere knew he would be a one-term MP. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:02 PM.In 2004, Dame Tariana Turia voted against her own government's foreshore and seabed legislation before resigning from Parliament and returning as the Māori Party co-leader. Read moreVideo, Audio
5:01 PM.Did Metiria Turei mean to turn the 2017 election on its head? Earlier that year, the former Green Party co-leader made an admission that would upend their entire campaign. Read moreVideo, Audio