14 Feb 2021

Podcast | NZ Wars - Stories of Tainui | Episode 3

From NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui, 6:00 am on 14 February 2021

This is the final episode of a three-part, in-depth podcast companion to the visual documentary, NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui. Part one can be found here, and Part two can be found here

Reconstruction of Ō-Rākau pā

Reconstruction of Ō-Rākau pā Photo: Kaleidoscope 3D

The war on Waikato reaches its climactic conclusion at the Battle of Ooraakau—but that's just the beginning of the struggle for Kiingitanga. Mihingaarangi Forbes and William Ray look at the aftermath of a war that changed Aotearoa forever.

Made with the support of NZ On Air.

[click here for more content]

Made with the support of NZ On Air

Made with the support of NZ On Air Photo: NZ On Air