Question Time for 15 February 2017
Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all his Ministers; if so, why?
ANDREW BAYLY to the Minister of Finance: What impact is New Zealand’s growing economy having on the Government’s tax revenues?
ANDREW LITTLE to the Prime Minister: Is the Government doing a good job at ensuring the health and wellbeing of every New Zealand child?
IAN McKELVIE to the Minister of Police: How will the Government’s Safer Communities package make police more accessible and easier to reach?
GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister of Finance: Does he believe working New Zealanders are getting a fair share of economic growth?
JAN LOGIE to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his statements?
SARAH DOWIE to the Minister of Communications: What progress can he report on the rollout of the Ultra-Fast Broadband and Rural Broadband initiatives?
PHIL TWYFORD to the Minister for Building and Construction: Does he stand by his statement, “this building boom is 30 percent stronger than the boom back in 2004 in inflation-adjusted terms”; if so, what does he think has been a larger cause of that, the 137 percent increase in the cost of building a home in Auckland or the fall in consent numbers there by 2,185?
JAMI-LEE ROSS to the Minister for the Environment: Are the Government’s resource management reforms helping deliver timely consenting decisions on the infrastructure New Zealand needs to support a growing economy?
TRACEY MARTIN to the Minister of Finance: Why did he refuse to allow public consultation regarding access to Te Arai Beach in line with his responsibilities under the Crown Forest Assets Act 1989?
Dr DAVID CLARK to the Minister for Economic Development: Is he answerable to this House for the more than $20 million in untendered contracts at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment reported in the previous year; if so, how can he be sure those contracts represent best value for money when they weren’t tendered?
JOANNE HAYES to the Associate Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration: What announcements has she made regarding the Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial?