6 Jul 2017

Question Time for 6 July 2017

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:04 pm on 6 July 2017
  1. METIRIA TUREI to the Associate Minister of Health: Tokohia ngā tāngata i inu wai nā te e coli i paihana, i ngā rā atu i te tahi o Hōngongoi, tau rua mano tekau mā rima, ki te toru tekau o Pipiri, tau rua mano tekau mā ono?

    Translation: How many people’s drinking water was contaminated with e coli between 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016?

  2. MELISSA LEE to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on the Crown’s financial performance?

  3. JACINDA ARDERN to the Prime Minister: Why has he as Prime Minister rejected calls from the Human Rights Commission, victims, and members of the public to conduct a full inquiry into historic abuse in State care?

  4. BRETT HUDSON to the Minister for Social Housing: What recent announcements has she made regarding social housing in Wellington?

  5. RON MARK to the Prime Minister: In so far as there is prime ministerial responsibility, with all the statements he has made on the Clutha-Southland electorate office issue, has he checked all the facts?

  6. Dr DAVID CLARK to the Associate Minister of Health: Has she received a letter dated 5 May from five district health boards to the Ministry of Health entitled “Critical under-resourcing in Regional Intellectual Disability Secure Care”; if not, would she be surprised to find it contains a warning that the Ministry of Health’s “failure to ensure adequate capacity within the sector is such that there is now a serious and in some areas imminent risk of harm to those individuals unable to access the appropriate care, as well as to service providers and their staff”?

  7. TODD MULLER to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: How is the Government supporting Pacific labour mobility?

  8. JULIE ANNE GENTER to the Prime Minister: Why did he say that prisons are a “moral and fiscal failure”?

  9. PHIL TWYFORD to the Minister for Building and Construction: Does he agree with the Auckland Council chief economist that an Auckland housing shortfall of almost 50,000 by 2023 is a conservative estimate?

  10. ALASTAIR SCOTT to the Minister for Primary Industries: How is the Government supporting red-meat farmers to extract better value out of their produce?

  11. GRANT ROBERTSON to the Associate Minister of Finance: Does she have confidence in the trustees of the Community Trust of Southland?

  12. Dr PARMJEET PARMAR to the Associate Minister of Education: What recent announcements has he made following Budget 2017 in regards to increasing capacity at Auckland schools?

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