Question Time for 11 April 2019
GARETH HUGHES to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Does she stand by MBIE’s decision to extend OMV’s Great South Basin application last year, given the company is now seeking a consent to drill?
Hon PAULA BENNETT to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s statements, policies, and actions?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development: Does he stand by his statement that houses purchased off the plans as part of the KiwiBuild scheme were purchased off the plans “Because they were included in the plans at the time they were built”?
PAUL EAGLE to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development: What progress, if any, has Housing New Zealand made providing assistance to tenants affected by previous methamphetamine contamination policies?
Hon PAUL GOLDSMITH to the Minister for Regional Economic Development: Does he stand by all his statements and actions?
Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE to the Minister of Health: Does he stand by all of his answers to Oral Question No. 6 on Wednesday, 3 April?
JAN TINETTI to the Minister of Education: What recent feedback has he seen on the proposals for the reform of vocational education?
Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister of Statistics: Does he stand by his statement, “this census looks to be more successful than previous censuses, that we’re meeting all of our targets”, and when will core public sector agencies like health and education have access to reliable census population data for allocating public funding?
Hon DAVID BENNETT to the Minister of Corrections: Does he stand by all his statements and actions?
Dr DUNCAN WEBB to the Minister of Police: What reports has he seen in response to public safety and security concerns in the wake of the 15 March terror attack?
CHRIS PENK to the Minister of Transport: Does he stand by his statements and actions in relation to light rail in Auckland?
KIERAN McANULTY to the Minister of Agriculture: What recent reports has he seen about the importance of sustainability to farmers?